2019 Brunswick County Fishing Club Backwater Beatdown
Kayak Fishing Tournament
Rules and Regulations
Click to download the participation wavier
Click to download the rules/regulations
1. Participation and Eligibility- Participation is open to anyone 18 years of age or older. Minors are eligible to participate with a parent or guardian signature on the release form. A completed participant registration and entry fee must be received no later than published deadline. You will need to have a valid North Carolina Saltwater Fishing License to participate. Please read all rules and regulations and remember to sign and initial your Waiver and Release of Liability.
2. Registration and Captain’s Meeting- Participants registration will be open through the captain’s meeting at 7 pm Friday, November 1st, 2019 at the Brunswick County Fishing Club located at 3911 Hickory View Drive Sunset Harbor, NC. The captains meeting will be live streamed on Facebook for those who cannot make the captains meeting in person. Attendance at the live or online captain’s meeting is mandatory for each participant unless authorized by tournament director.
3. Safety- Safe boating must be observed at all times. Participants are required to comply with US Coast Guard regulations including the possession of US Coast Guard approved personal flotation device (PFD) and a whistle.
4. Sportsmanship- All participants are required to follow high standards of sportsmanship, courtesy, and conservation. No alcoholic beverages or use of illegal drugs are permitted. Non-compliance with tournament rules and regulations are grounds for immediate disqualification and any prizes awarded must be returned.
5. Permitted Fishing Methods- All fish must be caught with a hook and line only. Artificial bait and live baits are allowed; however, if the participant is going to use live bait, it has to be caught during tournament fishing hours only. Participants cannot get live bait before the tournament starts. No motorized kayaks or paddle boards are allowed and all crafts must be paddled or pedaled unless authorized by tournament director. All fish must be caught from the kayak or paddle board. No wade fishing or shore fishing is allowed. Fish finders are welcome, but no chumming!
6. Permitted Fishing Locations- Participants can launch their kayaks or paddle boards starting at safe light. Participants can then fish any area they can paddle to and may not receive assistance including but not limited to following a non-participant boat, the placing of markers by a nonparticipant, being towed or riding motored vessels, or receiving electronic, voice, or data communication from non-participants. All fishing locations must be in waters accessible according to the law and US Coast Guard regulations. Participants can fish any inshore Waters From Morehead City, NC to McClellanville, SC they desire as long as they launch from a ramp accessible to the public.
7. Scoring- We will use a photo release scoring system determined by the length of each fish (measured nose to tail). Each participant will be required to have their own bump board style measuring device for this tournament with all lines painted for photos and we will issue a unique marker to include in the photo. Bring your measuring device to Captain’s meeting for approval if you are not sure it will qualify. Photos will have to be taken with fish on the tournament approved measuring device only. No bringing fish to weigh-in to measure; it has to be done from your kayak or paddle board using a camera. Each participant will fill out their score card and turn in to tournament officials by 5:00 pm or will be subject to disqualification. Scoring photos remain the sole ownership of the Brunswick County Fishing Club to be used at their discretion.
8. Check In- Check in will begin at 3:00 pm the Brunswick County Fishing Club located at 3911 Hickory View Drive Sunset Harbor, NC. All participants must check in no earlier than 3:00 pm and no later than 5:00 pm with their scorecards. Food will not be served until 5:00 pm.
9. Post Check In Party- Starting at 5:00 pm will be the post tournament party including food, beverages, and tournament winner’s prize ceremony and sponsor recognition.
10.Protest- All protests must be in writing and delivered to a tournament official within 30 minutes of check in. The tournament director has the final say in all decisions. All protests must be accompanied by a $100 deposit made out to the Brunswick County Fishing Club.
11.Rule Changes- Rules interpretation will be presented to the tournament director. The decisions of the tournament director are final and are not subject to appeal.
12.Release of Liability- A waiver and release of liability form is part of the registration pack and every participant is required to read, initial, sign, and date the waiver and release of liability form or they will not be eligible to participate.
13.Prize Structure- Prizes are kayaks, paddle boards, accessories, gear, jewelry, adventures, art, trophy, and much more. Each participant can only place one time in each category. Participants are eligible for only one first place species prize, one second place species prize, and one third place species prize.
14.Tournament Structure- Target species will include Speckled Seatrout, Red Drum, and Flounder. Participants will be scored based on their longest two species of the three species mentioned above. Acceptable entry’s include: Redfish/Seatrout, Redfish/Flounder, Flounder/Seatrout.